Building positive momentum,
year over year.
Southwestern Energy uses a comprehensive list of key metrics to track our progress both in terms of revenue and operations, as well as critical ESG standards. With this transparent and objective view, we keep ourselves accountable for reaching our goals, embracing challenges as soon as they arise, and ensuring the sustainability of our business while minimizing impact in our communities.
We show our work.
Extensive investments have been made to push the business forward, from environmental, social and governance to health and safety to scaling the business. Below are a few sample metrics fromĀ 2022.
0.70 GHG
Emissions intensity decreased from 0.78 kg CO2e/MMBtu gas produced in 2021.
Net production in billions of cubic feet equivalent (Bcfe) increased from 1,240 Bcfe in 2021.
Employee and contractor Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) decreased from 0.39 in 2021.
3.64 GHG
Scope 2 emissions decreased from 5.91 CO2e thousand metric tons in 2021.